Jan 09, 2020

On 29th May, SECOND CHINA SERVICE DESIGN CONGRESS 2019, host by China Outsourcing Institute and Dragon Design Foundation, convened successfully. In 2019, BEIJING TRADE FAIR changed its name to CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL FAIR FOR TRADE IN SERVICES , this congress is held during CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL FAIR FOR TRADE IN SERVICES. The congress also set up sub-forums of service design and industry upgrading and transformation, recreation and sports sub-forums, finance innovation sub-forums, travel innovation sub-forums, and the Belt and Road Green Innovation sub-forum to share the chemical reaction between service design and different industries from different dimensions. WELL shared our service design and innovation experience on smart transportation.


On the afternoon of 30th, SECOND CHINA SERVICE DESIGN CONGRESS 2019 service design and transportation innovation sub-forums is held successfully in China National Convention Center. This forum is held by XXY thinking project director – Mr. Liming 


WELL co-founder Mr. LiDongjin gave a speech on “how to understand the secret of service design”, “Scale up from the point that can achieve rapidly”, ”user-centricity brand promise is more conducive to service design implement”“pay attention to service outside service, promote the concept of “customer-centric”for frontline employees” .


The theme of this congress is "service design empowers high-quality development." . Service design, as an important content of service trade, is becoming an important driving force for economic development in the new situation. Also the source mean of service trade innovation development, and strong support for building strong trading nation. Service design provides service design creativity.


Mr. DaiGongxing (Original council deputy director of All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooper, president of Dragon Design research institute ) pointed out, Service design is guided by consumer and user needs while system innovation is a tool. It is an effective means to realize consumer choice and positive incentives for the market. Service design is an indispensable part of the development of service branding, and it is of great significance to the high-quality development.


Mr. FanShijie (Deputy director of Trade in Services and Commercial Services of Ministry of commerce)considered that, at present, the trend of manufacturing services, digitalization of services, outsourcing, and branding is becoming more and more obvious, the rapid popularization of digital technology has promoted the deep integration of manufacturing and service industries, and has also brought the development of service trade into a new period of strategic opportunities. Service design can create a strong brand, enhance the user’s service experience, and highly fit the people-centric development concept.


President of World Green Design Organization Mr. ShiDinghuan considered that, design is the leader of green innovation and development, and service design must reflect the concept and needs of green development to truly achieve sustainable development. 


This is the second time that WELL attended CHINA SERVICE DESIGN CONGRESS . While we share service design, we also practically feel and experience the change of service design in china. WELL consider as always that the strategy for enterprises to be strong is to provide excellent customer experience. We have always improve customer experience through service design, so as to promote customer loyalty.


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