Refining Experience, Driving Growth

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  • Shenzhen

    134 1757 8589

    Huan Qiao commercial building, No. 15 Shenyun Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province.

Course Inquiry
You can scan the QR code to 
get in touch with our course headteacher!
Course Inquiry
You can scan the QR code to
get in touch with our course headteacher!
Partnership and Communication
We warmly welcome all forms of cooperation and exchange,
Whether it’s course collaboration or innovative partnerships in other fields,
We always maintain an open attitude, looking forward to communicating and connecting with you.
Partnership and Communication
We warmly welcome all forms of cooperation and exchange,
Whether it’s course collaboration or innovative partnerships in other fields,
We always maintain an open attitude, looking forward to communicating and connecting with you.

Work with us

Enrollment Inquiry

You can also scan the QR code to contact our teachers.
We will get back to you as soon as possible!
Enrollment Inquiry