X School
X School

”Reshaping Experiences, Driving Growth” Strategic Course.

A good experience is like a movie

With a script, actors, props, and a stage,
we create a theatrical experience for the audience to convey the core values

How is a good customer experience created

We provide a complete set of organizational thinking through case analysis and methodology,
on how to be brand-oriented | user-driven | experience-centered, helping enterprises deeply understand the entire customer experience process:

Course Introduction

The defining feature of our time is uncertainty, yet despite all the changes, one constant remains: the pursuit of customer value.

Course Framework

Teaching mode

The 2-day, 1-night Growth Bootcamp will not only equip you with a strategic mindset and systematic approach to reshaping experiences and driving growth, but also guide you on transforming your enterprise into a customer-centric, growth-oriented organization. Each session features top-tier experts in the growth field and innovative brand entrepreneurs as part of the mentor team, coming together to engage in in-depth discussions and exchanges, empowering businesses to achieve transformative growth.

Learning Outcomes

Sign up now to begin a new chapter in your business growth!

Sign up now to begin a new chapter in your business growth!

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